NBOCA retains the same core team and now resides within the National Cancer Audit Collaborating Centre (NATCAN) at the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS England). NATCAN includes three established cancer audits and six newly commissioned cancer audits.

Data submission for patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer before 31 March 2022 should have already been checked for accuracy and completeness and will inform the 2023 NBOCA Annual Report.

The new NBOCA commission has a commitment to reducing administrative burdens on colorectal cancer MDTS with immediate effect and future reporting will utilise robust data from existing national datasets. Reporting will be based on institution level data provided to the National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) and linked to other national datasets. NBOCA still encourages clinicians to engage with coders and data administrators to ensure data accuracy, especially on staging information provided to NDRS.

NBOCA will also have similar access to collated national Welsh colorectal cancer data from the Cancer Information System for Wales that will shortly replace the Cancer Network Information System Cymru (CaNISC).

NBOCA will continue to focus on robust reporting of data for all patient with colorectal cancer, earlier availability in reporting outcomes, and a major ongoing emphasis on implementation of quality improvement initiatives.