Quality Improvement

A resource providing links to the NBOCA Quality Improvement Plan and Quality Improvement methods and tools, as well as National Quality Improvement programmes.

NBOCA Quality Improvement Plan

The aim of the NBOCA QI Plan is to involve all members of the multidisciplinary team managing patients with colorectal cancer, covering all areas of the pathway, from diagnosis and peri-operative care, to adjuvant and neoadjuvant oncological management, stage IV disease and end of life care.

NBOCA will be responsible for providing  trusts/hospitals/MDTs with relevant metrics across the patient pathway.


NBOCA QI Workshop 2023

NBOCA hosted it’s latest QI workshop at the ACPGBI annual meeting on 3 July: ACPGBI 2023 Programme

The QI workshop generated fantastic engagement with over 75 attendees contributing to the deign of the NBOCA ileostomy closure QI intervention.

We welcome all colorectal MDT members to join us for a showcase of colorectal cancer QI initiatives and the unique selling points of NBOCA at the 2024 ACPGBI annual meeting in Wales.

Introduction to Quality Improvement

Links to organisations providing essential reading and background to Quality

Source Title
Royal College of Surgeons of England RCS and Quality Improvement
Royal College of Surgeons of England Quality improvement in surgery
Royal College of Radiology Quality Improvement in Clinical Radiology
HQIP HQIP eLearning
Hughes, RG Tools and strategies for quality improvement and patient safety
Health Foundation Quality improvement made simple
NICE Putting NICE Guidance into practice
NHS Wales Improvement Cymru 

Quality Improvement Methods and Tools

Links to useful Quality Improvement methods and tools including templates

Source Title
NHS Improvement Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools by stage of the patient pathway
NHS Improvement Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools by type of task
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit
HQIP A guide to quality improvement methods
East London NHS Foundation Trust Quality Improvement Resources

National Quality Improvement programmes

National programmes working to improve the quality of care and use the findings
from the NBOCA to underpin their work

Source Title
NHS Choices/MyNHS Performance of colorectal cancer services in England
National Clinical Audit Benchmarking Benchmarked NBOCA data utilised for CQC hospital inspections
Getting it Right First Time Variation in general surgery delivery and clinical practice