North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

The North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust incorporates West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven and Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle

View Trust Services

This trust offers the following services:

  • Acute services:
    • On-site bowel stenting facilities
  • Diagnostic and pre-operative services:
    • On-site MRI liver facilities
    • On-site PET-CT facilities
  • Oncology services:
    • On-site chemotherapy services
    • On-site External Beam Radiotherapy services
  • Support service facilities:
    • Availability of 24 hour palliative care advice

Data Quality

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 206 1895 28013
Case ascertainment (%) 82 95 93
Data completeness of:
– Pre-treatment TNM (%) 73 74 71
– Performance status (%) 59 76 77
Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 138 1267 18809
ASA grade 1 (%) 7 9 14
ASA grade 2 (%) 49 49 53
ASA grade 3 (%) 43 35 25
ASA grade 4+ (%) 2 5 3
ASA grade not recorded (%) N/A 2 5
Data completeness of:
7 Audit items for risk-adjustment (%) 94 89 82


> 80%
50 - 80%
< 50%

Management of all patients

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 206 1895 30122
Seen by Clinical Nurse Specialist (%) 92 92 92

Management of patients having major resection

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 138 1267 18809
Distant metastases (%) 11 9 9
Urgent or emergency surgery (%) 20 18 16
Median number of lymph nodes excised 14 17 17
Laparoscopic surgery attempted (%) 62 75 61
Length of stay > 5 days (%) 69 64 69

Rectal cancer patients

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 32 324 4769
Neoadjuvant therapy (%) 50 36 37
Circumferential resection margin: Recorded (%) 3 11 25
Circumferential resection margin: Positive (%) 6 6 7
Rectal volume N/A N/A N/A
Patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate: Trust Network National
Number of patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate N/A N/A N/A
APER/Hartmanns (%) N/A N/A N/A

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