North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

The North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust incorporates North Middlesex Hospital, Enfield and Haringey

View Trust Services

This trust offers the following services:

  • Acute services:
    • On-site bowel stenting facilities
  • Diagnostic and pre-operative services:
    • On-site MRI liver facilities
  • Oncology services:
    • On-site chemotherapy services
    • On-site External Beam Radiotherapy services
  • Support service facilities:
    • Dedicated nurses for ERAS services

Data Quality

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 64 1222 28013
Case ascertainment (%) 63 92 93
Data completeness of:
– Pre-treatment TNM (%) 81 82 71
– Performance status (%) 100 92 77
Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 45 759 18809
ASA grade 1 (%) 56 19 14
ASA grade 2 (%) 36 46 53
ASA grade 3 (%) 9 23 25
ASA grade 4+ (%) N/A 2 3
ASA grade not recorded (%) N/A 11 5
Data completeness of:
7 Audit items for risk-adjustment (%) 84 77 82


> 80%
50 - 80%
< 50%

Management of all patients

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 64 1222 30122
Seen by Clinical Nurse Specialist (%) 100 98 92

Management of patients having major resection

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 45 759 18809
Distant metastases (%) 21 9 9
Urgent or emergency surgery (%) 18 24 16
Median number of lymph nodes excised 17 17 17
Laparoscopic surgery attempted (%) 42 61 61
Length of stay > 5 days (%) 95 81 69

Rectal cancer patients

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit N/A 170 4769
Neoadjuvant therapy (%) N/A 40 37
Circumferential resection margin: Recorded (%) N/A 23 25
Circumferential resection margin: Positive (%) N/A 7 7
Rectal volume N/A N/A N/A
Patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate: Trust Network National
Number of patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate N/A N/A N/A
APER/Hartmanns (%) N/A N/A N/A

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