The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust incorporates Hillingdon Hospital in Uxbridge and Mount Vernon Hospital in Northwood

View Trust Services

This trust offers the following services:

  • Acute services:
    • On-site bowel stenting facilities
  • Diagnostic and pre-operative services:
    • On-site PET-CT facilities
    • Routine Genetic Testing for Lynch Syndrome
  • Advanced disease services:
    • Dedicated Specialist Advanced MDT

Data Quality

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 69 1310 28523
Case ascertainment (%) Fair Good Good
Data completeness of:
– Pre-treatment TNM (%) 78 80 86
– Performance status (%) 100 81 88
Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 66 813 15891
ASA grade 1 (%) 2 23 8
ASA grade 2 (%) 70 41 52
ASA grade 3 (%) 29 18 31
ASA grade 4+ (%) N/A 1 2
ASA grade not recorded (%) N/A 16 7
Data completeness of:
7 Audit items for risk-adjustment (%) 83 79 87


> 80%
50 - 80%
< 50%

Management of all patients

All Patients: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 69 1301 28523
Seen by Clinical Nurse Specialist (%) 97 82 85
All patients deemed potentially curative Trust Network National
Number of potentially curative patients 16 332 7393
Undergoing major resection (%) 100 87 82

Management of patients having major resection

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 66 813 15855
Distant metastases (%) 15 9 7
Urgent or emergency surgery (%) 14 11 20
At least 12 lymph nodes excised (%) 100 85 86
Laparoscopic surgery attempted (%) 76 66 67
Risk-adjusted length of stay > 5 days (%) 74 74 56
Patients having major resection for stage III colon cancer: Trust Network National
Number of patients in audit 35 503 10794
Adjuvant chemotherapy (%) 49 58 60

Rectal cancer patients

Patients having major resection: Trust Network National
Number of patients in Audit 21 170 3481
Neoadjuvant therapy (%) 18 37 38
Circumferential resection margin: Recorded (%) 100 89 89
Circumferential resection margin: Negative (%) 90 85 82
Rectal volume 21 194 3374
Patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate: Trust Network National
Number of patients in APER/Hartmanns estimate 72 891 19595
APER/Hartmanns (%) 40 31 36

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