Our Team

NBOCA Project Team

  • Orouba Almilaji – Research Fellow, CEU
  • Helen Blake – Clinical Fellow, CEU
  • Michael Braun – Clinical Lead
  • Karen Darley – Senior Project Manager, NATCAN
  • Nicola Fearnhead – Clinical Lead
  • Angela Kuryba – Data Analyst, CEU
  • Jan van der Meulen – Senior Methodologist, CEU
  • Adil Rashid – Clinical Fellow, CEU
  • Kate Walker – Senior Methodologist, CEU
  • Leo Watton – Clinical Research Fellow

NBOCA Clinical Advisory Group

  • Martyn Evans (Chair) – Consultant Colorectal Surgeon & Representative for Wales
  • Robert ArnottPatient Representative, NBOCA Patient & Public Involvement Forum
  • Richard Beable Radiology Representative, ACPGBI
  • Emily BoldisonBowel Cancer Intelligence UK
  • Mark Cheetham – Clinical Lead for General Surgery, GIRFT
  • Chloe Chin Palliative Medicine
  • Mike DaviesMultidisciplinary Clinical Committee Chair, ACPGBI
  • Lucy Danks – NHS Cancer Programme, NHS England
  • Shauna Eddery – NHS Cancer Programme, NHS England
  • Omar Faiz – NHSEI Cancer Programme 
  • Stephen FenwickHepatobiliary Representative, AUGIS
  • Sarah GalbraithPalliative Medicine Consultant
  • Julie Lane – Consultant Nurse Specialist
  • Jose LourtieNational Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) Representative
  • Andy McMeekingTransforming Cancer Services Team for London
  • Andrew MurphyCancer Datasets Representative, NHS England
  • Julie Nossiter – Director of Operations, NATCAN
  • Deborah Robinson – NHS Cancer Programme, NHS England
  • Caroline RogersAssociate Director, HQIP
  • Kate RogganNursing Team Representative
  • Tracy Smith – Trustee, Lynch Syndrome UK
  • Jim Tiernan Research & Audit Committee Chair, ACPGBI
  • Damian Tolan – BSGAR Representative
  • Jared Torkington – President, ACPGBI
  • Abigail Vallance – Colorectal Surgery Trainee Representative
  • Dale VimalachandranResearch & Audit Committee Representative, ACPGBI
  • Sarah WalkerProject Manager, HQIP
  • Nick West Associate Professor of Pathology
  • Lisa WildeBowel Cancer UK Representative

NBOCA Patient and Public Involvement Forum

  • Robert Arnott (Chair) – ACPGBI
  • Katrina Attwood – Patient Representative
  • Suzanne Dore – Patient Representative
  • Ian Jackson – Patient Representative
  • Robin Johnston – Patient Representative
  • Sam Alexandra Rose – Bowel Research UK, Patient and Public Involvement Manager
  • Pete Wheatstone – Patient Representative
  • John Whelpton – Patient Representative